This here is the script that was used for our film "case closed" CASE CLOSED BY TEAM ROCKET PRODUCTIIONS CHARACTERS: WILLIAM MORGAN, LILITH WAYNE, ADAM MILLER. FADE IN: EXT. STAIRCASE DEATH- DAY At Piper High, A girl walks down the stairs while listening to music, and seconds later she trips and falls down the stairs. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE CALL- DAY William Morgan can be seen walking in the hallway to his class, suddenly he gets a call from Lilith’s mother WILLIAM MORGAN- DIALOGUE Hello? What do you mean? What?! William Morgan hangs up, he can be seen upset as he rushes to one of his friends in the… CAFETERIA- DAY William Morgan walks up to Adam miller to tell him how he thinks something is wrong ADAM MILLER- DIALOGUE Sup man WILLIAM MORGAN- DIALOGUE You wont believe it ADAM MILLER- DIALOGUE What happened? WILLI...